I THINK your correspondent Mr Bill Williams (May 14) has missed quite a lot - orders for new rolling stock for Strathclyde rail services, Edinburgh-Glasgow, and Edinburgh-Aberdeen, which will set off a cascade of rolling stock which will improve travelling conditions for passengers throughout Scotland.

Over the next few months services will be doubled in frequency on the Fife Circle and to Bathgate, the seated accommodation reintroduced on the Fort William sleeper which gives walkers and climbers from Edinburgh and Glasgow a long day out in the Highlands, and a commitment to reintroduce overnight seated accommodation between Scotland and England and major fare reductions across the Scottish network.

Of course there are a lot of improvements we would like to see and which passengers have a right to expect such as faster journey times in the ''golden triangle'', Glasgow/Edinburgh- Aberdeen, and we will continue to press ScotRail and Railtrack to provide these but, from a mildly optimistic rather than ecstatic point of view, I would say that in real time the prospects for the rail industry over the next decade or so are better than for many years and it is for interested parties such as your correspondent and the RUCC for Scotland to encourage rather than continually knock the main players in the industry.

Bill Ure,

Secretary, Rail Users' Consultative

Committee for Scotland,

249 West George Street,

Glasgow. May 14.