IT is always a pleasure to flush out a Scottish apologist for New Labour, especially as their arguments almost invariably seal the case for the opposition.

John S Rosie (May 11) tells us that it is a facility in Petten, Belgium which produces cancer-treating material and not Dounreay. This is quite contrary to the yarn being spun by Brian Wilson, Robin Cook, etc, who would have us believe that weapons grade uranium is smuggled into one end of the Caithness plant and cancer-treating material pops out of the other.

Of course, what Mr Rosie conveniently omits to mention is that there is so much of this stuff available that the production of any more is completely superfluous. Which is just as well, given the complete inability of Dounreay to produce anything at the moment except massive pollution and the real possibility of a reactor meltdown.

The facts are simple. This Government made a secret deal to transport nuclear material to Dounreay. The secrecy was vital because Dounreay does not even have a safety certificate and can do nothing with it.

They were forced to admit to the deal by the New York Times. They tried to deflect criticism by telling the public that ''they should be proud'' to accept this material because Dounreay could ''turn it into cancer-treating isotopes''. By Mr Rosie's own admission, even if the plant were operational, it cannot.

The decision to send any nuclear material to Dounreay defies logic. No amount of party political propaganda can obscure that fact. Mr Rosie does not want the yarn spinners running his country. The latest opinion polls point to his wish being granted!

Stuart Morrison,

2467 Dumbarton Road,


May 11.