May 18, 1801

n THE Herald reported: ''Saturday night the Loyal Stirling Volunteers were marched by Major Mayne to Tullibody, the centre of Sir Ralph Abercromby's estate, to celebrate the brilliant success of their illustrious countryman over the French in Egypt. They were accompanied by two field pieces and an excellent band of music, with the West Company of Clackmannan Volunteers. A detachment of the Stirlingshire Yeomanry closed the procession. On arriving at the summit of an extensive grass field to the east of the village, they halted to partake of a repast, after which they fired a Ifeu de joye and formed into two battalions, with a field piece attached to each.

''They continued to manoeuvre against one another in the avenues of the village and adjoining fields for a great while, showing with much accuracy the different movements of attack and retreat. The artillery was particularly well served, and it is hard to say what execution might have been done had not the yeomanry, with great gallantry, taken possession of one of the guns. The whole concluded with a volley and charge, after which they marched home highly gratified with their pleasant excursion.''

n AN ADVERTISER offered: ''Mr Ligum's Pills for a Certain Disease, without the least confinement in any season, restraint of diet, or hindrance of business, when all other methods have failed. Price 2/9d the box, with directions.''

n THE estate of Loup, Kintyre, was for sale. ''The estate abounds with game and there are oyster scalps along the shore.''