AN AUSTRALIAN couple surfed the Internet worldwide for their dream wedding location - and came up with Hawick.

Cate Archer and Dave Burns were impressed by the web site of three-star Mansfield House Hotel in the Borders town and set their hearts on tying the knot there, even duping their parents into attending the wedding by suggesting they go on holiday together.

Mr Burns, 35, a paramedic from Brisbane, said: ''I know it sounds a bit sick taking your parents and parents-in-law on honeymoon with you.

''But we were determined to do something special and we wanted them to be a part of it''

The couple originally looked at Ireland as their ideal marriage setting but were put off by their marriage laws, which insist on a 21-day residency. Then they found the Mansfield's web site.

Owner Ian MacKinnon said: ''We got their request and sent them back all the information they required.

''Having the web site has really paid off and now I intend changing it to include weddings available to small parties from abroad.

''They all certainly enjoyed themselves and David joined in the spirit of things by getting married in a Campbell of Argyll kilt and piper Cameron Renwick played at their reception.''

The hotel contacted registrar Mona Hope and the Rev Max Paterson of St Cuthbert's Church in Hawick agreed to perform the ceremony. Ms Archer, 33, a social worker, is a member of the Anglican Church, with which the Scottish Episcopal Church is in full communion.

Mr Burns said: ''The minister is also keen on the Internet, so we had plenty to talk about at the reception afterwards. The hospitality we have been shown has been overwhelming and we are grateful to everyone for their kindness.''

The couple, along with parents John and Rosemary Archer, from Victoria, and Betty and Cliff Burns, who live in Melbourne, are currently on honeymoon throughout the rest of Britain.

Mr Burns said: ''Scotland is such a beautiful country, we are investigating a one-year work exchange so we can return soon.''