ANDREW Lockhart Walker gets so carried away with his argument that he runs right over the cliffs with it (May 19).

''Saddest of all,'' he writes, ''is the installation of Tony Slattery as rector of St Andrews University . . . '' and goes on to argue that ''Mr Slattery's election shows how completely anglicised St Andrews is''.

Wrong! Anglicised St Andrews may be but he can hardly blame Tony Slattery who was in fact installed as rector of the University of Dundee - a rival institution over the Tay with a firm Scottish student base and a burgeoning international reputation for excellence in a range of fields from cancer research to art and design.

Far from sad, students here at the University of Dundee regarded this as a very happy occasion on which Mr Slattery vowed to serve them as rector ''with heart and soul''. As the song goes, Who Could Ask For Anything More?

Carol Pope,

Press Officer,

University of Dundee.

May 19.