LIKE most intelligent people in this area I reacted with bemused astonishment to your bizarre report (May 18) on the latest developments on the Holy Loch clean-up. Or perhaps the Holy Loch ''lucky dip'' would be a better description for a ridiculous exercise which has brought to the surface at huge public expense tons of useless rubbish which was doing no harm left lying where it was.

Except perhaps those dreaded canisters.

We are expected to swallow the line that the whole Ministry of Defence with its unlimited access to the most advanced technology available has to fly in Americans to tell it what's in 30 corroded metal canisters.

What utter piffle. This looks rather more like another clumsy MoD spin trying to justify an expensive and idiotic exercise that very few people here want to continue.

Everybody around here knew about the mysterious canisters. They lay about the barge for some considerable time. Then somebody must have decided they were harmless, because they were tipped over the side again into 120 feet of water.

Or surely they didn't decide they were potentially dangerous and tip them back over the side, did they?

David McEwan Hill,

26 Graham's Point,



May 19.