ULSTER Unionist leader David Trimble and his SDLP counterpart John Hume last night shook hands in front of 2000 young rock fans at a concert in Belfast.

In a dramatic show of unity in support of the Northern Ireland peace agreement, they grasped each other's hands on the stage of Belfast's Waterfront Hall to deafening cheers from the crowd.

For once the politicians did not speak, but left it to U2's Bono to address the crowd.

''It is great to be in Belfast in a week when history is being made. I would like to introduce you to two men who are making history, two men who are taking a leap of faith out of the past and into the future,'' he said.

The Irish-born rock singer made an impassioned plea for an overwhelming Yes vote in Friday's referendum. He said: ''Voting No is playing into the hands of extremists. They have had their day, their day is over.'' But it was a jam session between U2 and Ulster-born group Ash that really brought the house down.