A YOUNG couple who died in each others arms after being gassed in a car had only been seeing each other a few months, it was revealed yesterday.

Martin Myint, 21, and his girlfriend, Beverley Walker, 17, are thought to have died from carbon monoxide poisoning after they left the car engine running in a closed garage. Police believe they turned the engine on to keep warm as they listened to music, unaware of the danger, and were overcome by a build up of fumes.

Their bodies were found by Martin's mother, Sherie, early on Monday morning. Emergency services who arrived at the garage lock-up, only feet from Martin's home, in Forestbank, Livingston, found they had been dead for several hours.

A former pupil at Inveralmond Community High School in Livingston, Beverley left at Easter.

Headteacher Alistair McTaggart said: ''As a school we were greatly upset to hear of the untimely death of a young woman who was so recently a part of the school community.

''Our condolences go out to her friends and family. She was a pleasant and popular girl with an outgoing personality.''

The results of a post-mortem examination will be released later this week.