May 20, 1972

n THE Herald reported: ''A decision to go ahead with a #40m port at Hunterston to accommodate bulk cargo ships of up to 500,000 tons is imminent. Plans for the port should be completed by the autumn and construction should begin early next year. It will take two years to build.

''The matter of building a steel plant at Hunterston is another question, but the issue of the mineral terminal having been forced by the British Steel Corporation's requirement to be able to charter larger ships than can go into Immingham, Port Talbot and Redcar, or suffer in their ore importing costs, has clearly opened the way for it.''

n THE Herald also reported: ''There is a gallon of whisky at Dundee waiting for a claimant. It was a prize at a charity fete at Invergowrie last Saturday but it was not claimed. Since then efforts to trace the winner have failed.''

n IN A leader, The Herald commented: ''A society in which children would be educated unsegregated by religion is an attractive one to many people. There are signs from within the Roman Catholic population - the major supporters of segregation - of a change of heart, but the desegregationists among them are few and the process of change will be a slow one.

''It is tempting, therefore, for those who envisage a future society in which religious divisions are not enforced at an early and impressionable age to resort to legislation. Tempting, but unwise. Such measures could generate as much bitterness as they seek to remove.''