
abutilon pictum ''Thompsonii''

The Abutilons have the vernacular name of flowering maples because of their maple-like leaves. It will come as no surprise then that the form Abutilon pictum ''Thompsonii'' is commonly called the spotted flowering maple due to its striking, variegated foliage.

The leaves are richly mottled with yellow on a dark green background. This is caused by a virus, but there's no need for concern as it is harmless and can only be transferred to other Abutilons by means of grafting.

Although the main attraction is likely to

be the foliage, it does produce beautiful,

two-inch (50mm), bell-shaped, orange blooms. These appear from the leaf axils and hang on thin, long stalks. It has an upright habit and to encourage some bushy growth, pinch out the growing tips occasionally.

A plant can be kept for several years, but to prevent it from becoming spindly, prune the stems back in the spring by about one third. Some people prefer to renew these plants every year and tip cuttings should be taken from non-flowering shoots in the spring

or summer.

Plenty of good light is essential for flowering and to come through the winter the temperature shouldn't go below 10C (50F). Watering can be reduced over the winter, but during the spring to the autumn keep them well watered. They are reasonably tolerant of a dry atmosphere, but will benefit from occasional misting. Mealy bug is said to be a favourite pest, so do be on the lookout. I've found whitefly to be more of a problem when kept in a heated greenhouse. Despite such potential problems, Abutilon pictum ''Thompsonii'' can make quite a feature in the home as a fine bold specimen.

timely tasks

l Remember to earth-up tatties as the foliage grows to help avoid ''greening'' of the potatoes. Break up the soil between the rows and pile the earth against the stems.

l If you have any clumps of established bulbs that gave a poor display of flowering, they are likely to be congested and need lifting, dividing and replanting in the dormant season. It's a good idea to mark these clumps with a cane now before the foliage disappears.

If you have one or two Rhododendrons that have finished flowering it is worth dead-heading them to help promote flowering for the following year. Remove the whole flower head at its base, which should easily break off in your hand.

blight of the week

blossom end rot

This is a common disorder associated with the fruits of tomatoes and, to some extent, peppers. A characteristic sunken, dark brown patch appears on the skin at the bottom end of the fruit; in other words, the op