I HAVE watched with concern the growing controversy surrounding the proposed football stadium and retail development at Douglas Park, Hamilton, and would be more than happy to step in and organise a public meeting to explain to Hamilton Accies' fans South Lanarkshire Council's position in this matter. If he wishes, Mr Jim Watson would be very welcome to share that platform.

South Lanarkshire Council and the former Hamilton District Council have put a lot of time and effort into helping Hamilton Accies secure ground for their new development. For example, the district council took part in lengthy court proceedings at the Court of Session to establish a new retail park at the club's former ground with the intention that the sale of the ground would help fund the stadium.

The existing Sainsbury development was supposed to do this. It originally claimed that it would fund a 10,000-seater stadium and make a #3m contribution towards a new water facility in Hamilton. It did neither.

It is now a prerequisite that any money paid to the club by a retail developer must be used for the advancement of the club. It would also be reassuring if the financing of the stadium and retail park was entirely ''open book'' with all income from land sales being used for the stadium and club only.

South Lanarkshire Council is determined that the stadium is built before or at the same time as the retail park. The council is seeking legal guarantees from the football club to this effect.

The club is an integral part of the town's identity and the new stadium will have an important role in the overall regeneration of Hamilton. We want the stadium to be built, the fans want the stadium to be built. It now rests with the club itself to make it happen.

Councillor Tom McCabe,

Leader, South Lanarkshire Council,

Almada Street, Hamilton.

May 7.