AS a one-time oil worker and keen fisherman, can I offer my personal solution to the question you raised - what to do with redundant oil-rigs? Leave them where they are.

On the accommodation barges we lived on we were often visited by the biggest, fattest seals I've ever seen and we watched them catch and eat the biggest fish I've seen.

The only place in the North Sea where fish are safe is in and around the oil platforms - where the fishermen can't get at them. It's notable that during the Brent Spar fuss the first and most vocal supporter of Greenpeace was the British fishing industry. Now why do you think they want the rigs removed?

So, let the platforms rust and crumble and fall to the sea-floor where they can rest and provide a safe haven for our fish stocks forever.

Fishermen hate wrecks: fish love them. Oh, and it wouldn't cost anything.

Bill Thomson,

7 Riverview Drive, Glasgow. May 13.