POLICE have arrested 38 people and seized nearly #500,000 worth of drugs and allegedly stolen goods in one of the biggest operations of its kind in Strathclyde.

More than 200 officers took part in a series of dawn raids across Glasgow yesterday in the anti-drugs initiative, codenamed Operation Caesar.

Thirty-four people were arrested yesterday and four others on Friday. Further arrests were expected, said Detective Superintendent Barry Dougall, the force's drugs co-ordinator last night.

Officers seized one kilo of heroin, with an estimated street value of around #250,000, one-quarter kilo of cocaine, worth around #30,000, and more than 2000 Temazepam ''jelly'' capsules, thought to be worth around #4000.

Police also seized a large quantity of allegedly stolen electrical goods and jewellery, worth around #100,000, a sawn-off shotgun, three vehicles, and a large quantity of allegedly stolen credit cards.

Mr Dougall said: ''If you break down the kilo of heroin, it represents nearly 7000 individual deals. That's a considerable number of deals taken off the streets.

''We have never before run an operation quite as far-reaching as this one. It's one of the single biggest operations that Strathclyde Police have ever run in the fight against drugs. Putting together an operation like this presented a number of logistical problems and therefore the planning stage was of vital importance. However, we have had significant success and perhaps laid a pattern for the future.''

Chief Constable John Orr added: ''The arrests represent weeks of hard work by Strathclyde Police officers. The events demonstrate the force's utter commitment to targeting those responsible for peddling death and misery in our communities.''

The four people arrested on Friday appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court yesterday in connection with a number of alleged drugs offences. Of the 38 people arrested so far, 27 were men and 11 were women, with ages ranging from 18 to 55.