I FIND no surprise in the fact that sitting Labour MPs are being rejected as potential MSPs (May 14). I believe this is simply the latest manifestation of what New Labour strategists refer to as ''The Project'', that is the subversion of an ostensibly socialist party into a right-of-centre organisation which appeals to mainstream Tory voters.

Given the difficulties it is already experiencing after barely a year in office, it looks highly unlikely that the Labour Government will enjoy after the next General Election the massive Commons majority it currently commands (assuming Labour do win next time).

Tony Blair will clearly recognise the importance of party discipline in managing a small majority, and it seems inconceivable that he will tolerate in future the sort of backbench criticisms and rebellions which have arisen since May 1 last year.

I am convinced that in due course Labour will introduce revised selection criteria for Westminster candidates, which will be used to dump irritants such as Diane Abbot, Jeremy Corbyn, and George Galloway.

No doubt Labour supporters will rubbish this suggestion, and point out that it would breach party rules. However, New Labour activists have not allowed such trifling considerations to stand in the way of their Project in the past and I see no reason why they should start doing so now.

Tony Gilbert,

104 Dalry Road, Edinburgh. May 14.