Immigration officers checking passengers on a Chunnel train were not fooled by the man who claimed to be ''Glasgow born and bred'', and to have never previously left UK shores - for he had an African accent.

A close look at the passport of the man claiming to be ''Stephen Michael Flynn'', and to have been born in Glasgow in 1970, showed that he had simply stuck his photo over the top of the real Scotsman - and that he was actually an illegal immigrant from Zaire.

Mukendi Tshibangu's doomed attempt to play a natural-born Scot came to an end at Horseferry Road Court in London yesterday when he was jailed for six weeks, after magistrate Miss Elerhi Rees heard he is to be deported.

Prosecutor Miss Lorna Pickering said that on November 1, last year, Tshibangu was on a Eurostar train from Brussels to London when UK immigration officers asked for his passport.

He produced a passport in the name of ''Stephen Michael Flynn'', stating that he had been born and educated in Glasgow.