SCOTLAND experienced their worst fears on the opening day of the World Cup yesterday at Utrecht in Holland. They were just no match for Australia, the defending champions, crashing to a 5-0 defeat.

While there will undoubtedly be much relief in the Scottish camp in that they did not suffer greater embarrassment, they contributed heavily to their own demise.

Coach Mike Gilbert explained away Scotland's poor showing as ''being down to the fact that most of the players were competing at this level for the first time.'' His main task now will be to rebuild the team's confidence - not an easy assignment.

Tracey Robb in goal excelled herself in the first half to restrict Australia to a 2-0 interval lead even although she will take some responsibility for their second goal. Sue Lawrie took over after the break but she enjoyed no more luck. Australia's goals came from Katrina Powell (two), Bianca Langham, Julie Towers and Alyson Annan.