INQUIRIES into abuse at four Edinburgh children's homes are nearing their conclusion, it was announced yesterday, writes Amelia Hill.

Edinburgh City Council ordered the independent investigation last December after two former care workers, Gordon Knott and Brian Maclennan, were sentenced to 16 and 11 years respectively for the gross sexual abuse of youngsters in Edinburgh, dating back to the 1970s.

Professor Kathleen Marshall, chair of the inquiry team, pledged at the start of the investigation to examine the circumstances of past abuses and make recommendations on how abuse could be prevented.

The team has interviewed 36 individuals involved in the abuse and have visited 15 residential units for children in Edinburgh and three outside the city. The inquiry office has been contacted by 56 individuals.

Public hearings will be held from June 1 to 5 during which senior management of the social work department and related agencies will set out their views about current safeguards for children looked after by the council.

The team has determined to uncover:

qif any allegations were made before the police investigation;

qif any reports were not acted upon;

qwhat safeguards are in place;

qwhat additional safeguards are necessary.