HAVING been bawled at by a passing motorist and told that what I was doing was illegal while on a stepladder attaching an election poster to a lamppost, perhaps I can set the record straight for Jack Ferguson and any others who erroneously think that election posters on lampposts break the law (May 8).

Glasgow City Council gives its permission to attach election posters to lampposts during the course of election campaigns, so it is perfectly legal to do so. However, permission is granted on the understanding that the posters are backed with card, are not stuck on with glue, and are all removed within 48 hours of election day.

I know for certain that Cathcart Conservative Association removed its posters within the allotted time but I did notice that some other parties did not do so.

In these circumstances, the city council can remove them and send a bill to the offending parties to cover the costs of their removal.

Alastair Mackenzie,

Vice President, Cathcart Conservative

Association, 7 Westfield Drive, Glasgow.

May 8.