I FIND the absence of fact in your story about the Scottish Conservatives' selection in Edinburgh Pentlands extremely disconcerting (May 8).

Your reporter's claim that the Scottish Tory selection procedure could be ''skewed in favour of Central Office favourites'' is completely unfair and untrue. The Scottish Conservatives and Unionist Party has the most democratic system of candidate selection where members of the local constituency, free from the influence of the party hierarchy, determine who their candidate will be.

We were delighted with the high calibre of applicants but at the end of the day we can choose only one person to represent the Scottish Tories in our constituency. Obviously, there will be disappointment among those who are not chosen but the selection of our candidate is a matter which is wholly determined by the members in Edinburgh Pentlands and it is inaccurate for you to suggest otherwise.

Rosemary Simpson,


Edinburgh Pentlands

Conservative Association,

Spylawbank Road, Edinburgh.

May 8.

WHILE I hate to spoil a good story (Comment by Robbie Dinwoodie, May 8) it is just worth pointing out that Robbie was invited and kindly agreed to speak at a recent joint Scottish Conservative and Unionist Association Local Government Advisory Committee and the Association of Scottish Conservative Councillors' Local Government Conference, on the subject of ''Media matters''.

In issuing the invitation I explained that we would value an assessment of the Scottish political scene at present, from a journalist (who was certainly not a party supporter - sadly, not too hard to find among Scottish political hacks!) and a Scottish Political Correspondent's point of view.

He was therefore not, as he rather mischievously suggests, specifically asked to advise on Tory strategy in the run-up to next May's Scottish Parliamentary elections.

Having said that, his address was excellent. He confirmed at the outset that he had, in fact, no formal party allegiance and had in the past voted for every party except the Conservatives!

All of which made his candid comments and the advice he proffered on strategy for the Scottish Tories, whether asked for not, very much appreciated. So much so, he got by far the largest applause of the day from the conference's 100-plus delegates!

J Margaret Mitchell,


SCUA Local Government

Advisory Committee,

16 Fairfield Place,


May 8.