Tom Elliot, farmer and rugby internationalist; born April 6, 1926, died May 3, 1998

TOM Elliot was one of the great Scottish rugby internationalists of the post-war era. A mere 14 caps did small justice to his reputation as one of the strong men of his time. Even in this new age of giants and professionalism Tom would have stood his ground. Just over six feet tall and weighing 14st, the Border power, distilled on those hills which fashioned so many great rugby players, would have stood him in good stead.

He began his education down the road from his father's farm at Blackhaugh, near Clovenfords, before moving on to that great nursery of rugby players, St Mary's in Melrose. From there he moved on to Loretto in Musselburgh. Academic qualifications may have been thin on the ground but the power of Elliot was never in doubt. On leaving school he joined Gala RFC. His early days were spent in the second row, but on one occasion the first team was short of a prop and he was moved up to fill a space at loose-head. He never looked back.

The early days in the Border League saw him gain a reputation for rumbustious play. He won his first cap in 1956 and over the next three seasons represented Scotland with distinction. He played along with Norman ''Bonzo'' Bruce as his hooker and the legendary Hughie McLeod of Hawick on the tight head. That partnership forged a friendship which lasted a lifetime. In their days together McLeod and Elliot were renowned in their warm-ups for their pre-match wrestling.

The two Scottish props were selected to tour with the British Lions in South Africa in 1955. They never made the Test team, having been kept out by the famous Meredith brothers from Wales, but they played in seven of the 17 games.

That Lions team was one of the great touring parties of all time. Among the Scots who played were Arthur Smith, Jim Greenwood, Ernie Michie, and Angus Cameron. But Tom was not parochial. He made lasting friendships with Cliff Morgan of Wales, Tony O'Reilly of Ireland, and Jeff Butterfield of England. Tom also went on to play for the Barbarians.

If rugby was a big part of Tom's life, farming was his livelihood. His livestock from the home base of Newhall and Blackhaugh were invariably at the top of the market.

He was a past president of the Cheviot Sheep Society and over the years won many championships at the Royal Highland Show. He in later years became a director of the show and served with distinction.

He was also active in the politics of farming, first as president of the Selkirk branch of the NFU, and then as president of the Borders area. His discussions with Ministers, and others of a political hue, were blunt and always to the point. He also served for many years as a member of the Government's Hill Farming Advisory Committee and as a director of the Moredun Foundation. In 1989 he was awarded the MBE.

The Elliot farming enterprise spread well beyond the Borders, with a considerable interest in Sutherland. Balnakiel is the most remote farm in Scotland. It covers more than 20,000 acres stretching to Cape Wrath.

He was always very conscious of the conditions his staff had to work with. In recent years he spent considerable sums in upgrading their cottages and making sure that they remained in touch with the world.

He married Jennifer Mundell in 1960. She came from the Black Isle and over the years they proved to be an immense team, taking great pride in their large family.