DONALD Dewar may have his critics, amid the claims that he needs a good spin doctor and that he has made too many gaffes of late. Little of it is true in my book - a more honest politician in the mould of John Smith cannot be found. This belief of mine was confirmed when I heard Mr Dewar's announcement at the weekend of his strategy to see off the Nationalists. Yes indeed (to use one of Mr Dewar's favourite expressions) a Labour strategy which continues to deliver on the changes to build a better Scotland is exactly the right one.

Delivery on a broad range of social policies ranging from improving nursery education, through the minimum wage, getting people back to work, and improving the NHS is undoubtedly the best way forward. Traditional Labour policies, if you like, but hand in hand with innovations like the windfall tax, tackling the cancer of social exclusion and the wiring up of GP surgeries to local hospitals they present a broad front that the narrow-mindeness of the SNP can never match. A demonstration that Labour can make a real and lasting difference to ordinary people is the surest way of political success.

Alastair Stupart,

1 Ochiltree Crescent,

Mid Calder.

May 11.

APPARENTLY Tony Blair is coming north to instruct Donald Dewar on elections for the Scottish Parliament. Can this be the same Mr Blair who likened the Parliament to a ''parish council''?

W Cockburn,

The Birches, College Road,



May 11.