n THE Herald reported: ''A melancholy accident occurred at Hunterston, near West Kilbride, on the 2nd instant, by which Mrs Adam Wallace, the gardener's wife, lost her life. Mrs Wallace was in the act of lighting her pipe when her clothes caught fire.''

n THE Herald also reported: ''On Monday the 29th ult, Mr Findlay Cameron and two cuttermen found in the woods of Laddy, near Fort Augustus, a distilling bothy containing three tuns and 114 gallons of wash fit for distillation, which they destroyed.

''On the following day they found three bushels of dry malt in Glen Garry. On the 2nd instant, the same active officer and party discovered in the corrie of Gartmore, Stratherrick, a large distillery hut, a tin still and head, with seven tubs or barrels, containing a quantity of spent wash, all of which they destroyed.

''On the 4th instant, Mr Colin Munro, riding-officer, and two cuttermen found on the farm of Knocknabo of Dalcross a distilling hut containing a tin still, mash tun, and several other utensils which appeared to have been recently in use. Mr Charles Lyon, officer of excise in Inverness, also discovered in the woods of Petty another distilling bothy containing a large copper still.''

n THE Herald reported a number of women charged with throwing ''filth of every description'' from the windows of a tenement at 103 Salt-

market, Glasgow. ''Bailie Playfair remarked that if the practice was continued and they failed themselves to bring the offenders to justice, they would again be placed at the bar and severely fined.''