WITH all of its 82 employees fully trained to use the Internet, e-mail and various other information and communication technologies (ICT), the Malin Court Hotel in Turnberry is a prime example of what Scottish Enterprise would like to see more small and medium-sized companies undertaking.

The Malin, which has accommodation for up to 34 visitors, began integrating modern technology into its day-to-day operations about three years ago. Manager Bill Kerr said this was seen as essential to the business, which runs the hotel as a charity to help subsidise its nursing home activities.

''It is a very unique environment,'' Kerr said. ''It's maybe one where people would think 'That doesn't sit well alongside ICT,' but it does fit quite well. I estimate that we will save about #25,000 this year. That may not sound like a lot, but as a charity it means a lot to us.''

As with most companies, the initial idea was to get a computer to handle accounting and secretarial needs. This grew to the point where each of the Malin's eight departments now has its own computer, all of which are networked to carry internal e-mail communications.

''What we are finding out is that there is great efficiency there in terms of maintenance,'' Kerr said. ''If someone needs something done by another department, they just post an

e-mail and that gets picked up and dealt with right away.''

The company also operates its own Web site, which carries details of room rates and restaurant menus as well as information about the nursing home operation. This provides

a line of communication for potential customers.

Kerr said that this had brought in wedding and accommodation enquiries from all over the world. For those looking to hold a meeting or conference, the Malin has the ISDN links which make video conferencing possible.

Every employee at the Malin is completely ''cyber skilled,'' Kerr said, even though some were dubious in the beginning.

''There might be some reluctance at the start, but as people begin to understand it, they become enthusiastic,'' he said. ''Our chef is an absolute whiz at it, and she came from a standing start with absolutely no experience.''