Fife figures increase as boy of 13 is accused of dealing on school bus

HEROIN and cocaine problems are on the increase in Fife, with an unprecedented availability of heroin for all age groups, writes Raymond Duncan.

One 13-year-old has been the subject of a report to the Children's Panel as a result of being caught dealing in cannabis with other children aboard a school bus.

Fife Constabulary disclosed that drugs with a street value of more than #80,000 had been seized in the past 10 weeks.

Detective Inspector Russell Scott, head of the drug squad, described the case of the 13-year-old as disturbing. He said: ''Thankfully it remains reasonably isolated.''

His force is currently winding up the latest phase of Operation Dart, which was created four years ago in response to the increasing drug problem.

He said recent hauls had included substantial amounts of cannabis resin and cannabis plants. The seizures also confirmed a growing heroin and cocaine problem.

''If anything, it has underlined thatheroin is now more freely available in Fife than at any time in the past and, sadly, it appears accessible to all age groups.''