MORE than 500 houses will be built throughout East Ayrshire over the next three years in a #20m council and private sector partnership, it was announced yesterday.

The plan, the first to directly involve the council in house building for almost 20 years, includes over 300 homes to rent with the remainder for sale.

East Ayrshire Council leader, David Sneller, said the rate of new building of homes for ''social rent'' would be boosted to three times its current level. He added: ''Support from the Scottish Office will help us to lever more than #16.5m from the private sector.''

Community and housing associations will be closely involved in the partnership, to be funded in three phases with the bulk coming from the business sector.

The announcement follows Scottish Office approval for East Ayrshire Council's #1.2m bid for the first year's work. It based the scheme on local need and the extension of the M77 to Glasgow, making the district more attractive for commuters.