Sally Grummitt discovers one firm who used IIP to get out of their business and into a new one.

Most firms use IIP to ensure that they stay in business. For the founders of Flashback Communication the scheme allowed them to let go of their firm.

Flashback Communication was set up in 1980 but it had always been the intention of founders Jan and Chris Attkins to ensure its successful survival and to move on to pastures new before the year 2000.

The company produces video and television programmes for broadcast and corporate clients, specialising in sales promotion, public awareness and employee development. Its experience extends across a range of commercial sectors, from medical research organisations to specialist vehicle manufacturers.

''The company philosophy is based on change through awareness, education and motivation,'' said Jan. ''We provide a comprehensive service, starting with research and project development progressing through all stages of production to eventual duplication and distribution of materials. We have extensive experience of working in foreign languages and addressing foreign cultures.''

In 1994, they began to map out their escape route from the day-to-day running of their production company. But even escape carries responsibility when you want your successful business to remain so.

The IIP initiative came to their attention in December 1996. ''We wanted to start up a personal development centre on the Isle of Arran,'' explained Jan. ''The IIP initiative provided the impetus we needed.

''Flashback was already committed to the idea of empowering others in the company to take on greater responsibility. The IIP preparation process provided the framework to identify and structure the adaptation needed to see the hand-over through -- more than two years ahead of schedule.''

However, they did need some external support - a grant toward the cost of preparatory work and assessment and a GDA-sponsored management consultant.

''As with any application, there was a complex range of issues to be addressed - but much of the groundwork had already been done,'' said Chris. ''With succession in mind, I had devoted a lot of time and energy to developing written procedures and computerised systems to ensure best practices were applied to future projects.

''What remained to be achieved was winning the hearts and minds of the workforce to formally adopt these practices -- and strive to improve them continually.''

Initially, gaps relating to individual staff members' understanding of the company's remit were identified through a series of meetings. These issues were then addressed by colleagues who were encouraged to take on additional responsibilities in personnel support and training.

Individual development plans were drawn up and progress toward agreed objectives was closely monitored. As the process continued it became embedded in company culture. As a result, the change in the company has been significant and it achieved its IIP accreditation last March.

''We were keen to gain recognition of our open and committed approach to personnel development,'' said Chris. ''Our application for IIP was motivated by a strong desire to actualise our succession planning as effectively as possible.''

With the help of the IIP system, Chris and Jan Attkins have done that. They are now resident on Arran and running their new personal development company - Vision Unlimited. Back in Glasgow, Flashback Communication continues to fulfil client needs with its dedication to creative and effective communications solutions.

''Projects often have to be delivered in the face of pressures and constraints, but our commitment to total personnel involvement - recognised by our IIP accreditation - and the high level of project management ensures all productions conform to client specifications without compromising quality.''

Flashback's transition has not only sustained business, it has improved it - profitability is growing and clients are benefiting from the extra enthusiasm and fresh creativity that has accompanied newly promoted personnel. Business is set to develop further.

''Technological advances have opened up greater possibilities for global interaction between companies and customers, and Flashback is in a position to take advantage of that,'' said Chris and Jan's son, Graeme Attkins, who now runs Flashback's Interactive Design department.

''This department specialises in Web site creation and multimedia programmes and further investment in technology and personnel is planned to enable diversification into new markets.''

Flashback Communication credits IIP with taking the company forward - for directors Jan and Chris, an untroubled move to Arran; and for the company, continued quality, success and diversification.