Scottish house prices continue to rise at sustainable levels, according to TSB Scotland. The bank's latest House Price

Monitor shows prices have risen by 6.1% year-on-year, falling by 1.4% in the three months to the end of April. The real gain, taking inflation into account, is 2.6%, writes Simon Bain.

First-time buyers accounted for 41% of all new borrowing, and there was a 7.7% price rise at that end of the market compared with the first quarter of 1997.

In Aberdeen prices fell over the quarter but rose in line with the average over the year. Flats in Edinburgh rose sharply in the quarter, but overall prices fell.

In Glasgow, both volumes and prices were down on the first quarter of last year, but terraced houses bucked the trend. The Dundee market remained subdued but prices rose over the quarter.