The days of the British Raj may be over in India but the Bhatti family is still making uniforms for our military.

Javed Bhatti formed Stirling Tailors in Stirling 20 years ago when his family gained the contract from the Ministry of Defence to act as tailor to the Army in Scotland.

The Bhatti family tradition of making military uniforms for the British Army goes back more than 100 years to when Javed's grandfather made uniforms for the British Raj in Bombay when Queen Victoria was Empress of India.

''I learned my trade from my father who has been working for the Ministry of Defence for 60 years starting in Bombay in my grandfather's business,'' said Javed, adding: ''I recognised the uniforms in the film Passage to India.''

The Bhatti family arrived in England 30 years ago via Kenya where the family were also tailors to the British Army. Javed came north when the family secured the contract in Scotland.

Stirling Tailors recently moved to larger premises in Springkerse Industrial Park on the outskirts of Stirling as the company is now expanding into producing military badges and Javed expects to be increasing the present workforce from eight to 11.

The firm also has workshops within Dreghorn Barracks and the Condor Marine base near Arbroath.

As regimental tailor to the Army Training Regiment at Glencorse, Javed ensures that the uniforms issued to new recruits fit but the company's main business is making dress and ceremonial uniforms for officers, including kilts and tartan trews.

''Our busiest time,'' he said, ''is before the Remembrance Sunday parades, or in the summer months when there are parades and ceremonial occasions at places such as Edinburgh Castle and Balmoral.''

Stirling Tailors also produces the uniforms for the pupils of the Queen Victoria Military School in Dunblane, and when girls were admitted to the school last year the firm won the contract to produce their red uniform jackets.

Last year Javed was invited to the Royal Garden Party at Holyrood Palace along with his wife, Shaheen, who helps run the business, and is also a tailor.

The occasion allowed the couple to admire at first hand their company's handiwork in the shape of uniforms worn by the senior Army officers mingling among the guests.