THE final piece of an Enterprise Zone

jigsaw has just

fallen into place. Construction has started on the 16-acre Dunalistair site near Airdrie, the last of the nine Enterprise Zone sites in Lanarkshire to be developed.

Due for completion in June, a 30,000sq ft speculative

building is joint development between HGB properties and The Scottish Provident Institution. It is the first of a series of planned buildings which will take Dunalistair to a total of 200,000sq ft industrial space.

Letting agents James Barr & Son say that there is already considerable occupier interest in the speculative building.

Dunalistair is the last

location within Lanarkshire Enterprise Zone to be brought on-stream.

''We believe Dunalistair has the potential to support

several hundred jobs,'' says Ian Carmichael of Lanarkshire Development Agency. ''It has a first class location, next to the M8 and close to Eurocentral Railfreight Terminal. It's now poised to become one of our major industrial sites.''

Dunalistair offers 100% capital allowances, property rates exemptions until 2003, and simplified planning


Firms which have recently set up on EZ sites along the M8 corridor include Chunghwa, ScottishPower, Lite-On Technology, and Scottish Express International.