May 7, 1966

THE Herald reported: ''Sentences of life imprisonment were passed on Ian Brady, 28, and Myra Hindley, 23, after both were found guilty at Chester Assizes yesterday in the Moors murder trial.'' The front page report continued: ''Special precautions were taken by the police when Hindley and Brady entered the glass-screened dock. Several policemen and policewomen formed a screen between them and the public gallery.''

n THE Scottish Police Federation called for the establishment of a single Scottish police force under the control of one ''super-chief''. At the federation's AGM, Lothian and Borders officers argued for the right to strike but were outvoted. Officers complained many paid #3 a time to purchase handcuffs from a London dealer, since they were not general issue in Scotland.

n SPEAKING in Edinburgh, the managing director of Gulf Oil (Great Britain) Ltd predicted radical changes for the UK's petrol stations. ''He said that recently one of their petrol station dealers, who was arranging a display of motor oil, was asked by an old woman for 'three big tins of that Gulf soup'. Amusing as it was, he said, it was not beyond the realms of probability that service stations in the future would sell merchandise of this kind.''

n THE Scottish Council for the Unmarried Mother and Her Child claimed: ''It is obvious that at present pre-marital chastity has little meaning for many. In 1964, among teenagers, 64.5% of first births took place within eight months of marriage and at all ages 22.4% of first births took place within a similar period.''