GLASGOW Business Park has achieved its first major occupier. MFI, the home furnishings giant, is to establish a 65,000 square foot delivery centre for Glasgow and the West of Scotland at the site, creating 60 jobs.

MFI has cut urban outlets in favour of distribution from more efficient peripheral units but customers will continue to purchase from city stores.

The 70-acre former farm at Easterhouse, whose heavy horse sculpture by local artist Andy Scott is now one of the best-known sights on the M8, is the first Scottish endeavour by the UK's largest business park developer, Arlington Securities.

The park, which was opened by Scottish Secretary Donald Dewar last year, has planning consent for 900,000 sq ft of offices, warehousing and distribution. Building of the first speculative office buildings on the site is under way.

The park's proximity to the M8 motorway, access to

Easterhouse railway station and a large labour pool were cited by MFI as reasons for its decision to locate there.