THE Scottish Conservative Party last night picked Mr David McLetchie as its candidate for the Edinburgh Pentlands constituency at next year's Scottish Parliamentary Elections, writes Ian Smith.

Mr McLetchie, 45, who is vice chairman of the Scottish Conservative Party, is a partner with Edinburgh law firm Tods Murray.

He last stood for election in 1979 when he fought the Edinburgh Central seat against Labour's Robin Cook. He was Tory constituency chairman for Edinburgh Central throughout the 1980s.

Mr McLetchie said: ''It is a great honour to be chosen to fight Edinburgh Pentlands for the Scottish Tories. There is a great challenge ahead, but I look forward to it optimistically and have no doubt that next year's Scottish Parliamentary elections will see the renaissance of the Scottish Conservative Party.''

Excluded in the final short leet for the constituency were current Conservative group leader on Edinburgh City Council, Daphne Sleigh, and former leader Brian Meek. This left the way clear for a choice between Mr McLetchie and former Solicitor-General Paul Cullen.