IN response to the letter, No win, no fee (May 1), I would like to highlight the work of Glasgow (Bath Street) Citizens' Advice Bureau in the field of employment law.

The CAB's Tribunal Assistance Unit gives free, independent, and impartial advice on employment issues, up to and including a full representation service at Industrial Tribunals.

The service is available to all who seek such advice. No appointment is required. The individuals who seek our services are those to whom T O'Reilly refers, namely those who are vulnerable - either through a lack of knowledge of, or information about, their employment rights and responsibilities, or by virtue of their inability to express themselves effectively.

The Tribunal Assistance Unit's service is used widely by those people who are not in a position to pay the legal costs of instructing a solicitor to advise or conduct a case on their behalf.

Carol McMahon,

CAB, 87/97 Bath Street, Glasgow.

May 1.