THERE is little doubt

ScottishPower will be spending quite a lot of money this year on transatlantic air fares, as it believes there could be rich pickings among the 160 or so utilities in the US.

That electricity generation market there is about five years behind that in the the UK, and the company has the firepower to make a substantial acquisition - it was offering about #3000m for Florida Progress.

But a purchase may be closer to home, with some disillusion among the US buyers of

English electricity companies, although as yet there is none up for sale.

Short term, it is difficult to see much earnings growth without a deal.

The non-regulated businesses are experiencing quite severe margin pressure - one plus point was that the distribution and transmission activities did better than market expectations.

ScottishPower has set itself quite ambitious targets for penetration of the domestic markets in both power and gas.

Gas seems one area where there must be casualties among weaker competitors which lack its sophisticated, low-cost billing and sales operations. This may force profit per customer to well below the #30 being achieved before they give up.

The City is happy to listen to the story of excellent progress in telecoms, where the track record of profit on comparatively low investment is remarkably good, and it may eventually persuade the company to de-merge the activity.

But it is more concerned with the price reviews which kick in in April 2000 for Scottish

Power, Manweb distribution and transmission and for

Southern Water.

Together these businesses accounted for 75% of last year's profits.

Hence the strategy of increasing the exposure to non-regulated businesses and the need to make an acquisition in the US, where there are strong cashflow benefits from re-focusing utilities on their core activities.

Significantly, one-third of the cost of Florida Progress would have been recouped from

property sales.

ScottishPower shares have under-performed the market this year, but they do offer a growing and above-average yield at 4.4%.