A FAMILY were yesterday grieving the death of a ''perfectly fit and healthy'' father on a hillside.

James MacKillop, 36, of Brierie Hills, Houston, Renfrewshire, collapsed and later died of a suspected heart attack while walking with a friend at Forcan Ridge, Glensheil, Wester Ross, on Saturday.

His companion raised the alarm but by the time an RAF rescue helicopter took Mr MacKillop to hospital he was dead.

His wife, Jessie, 38, said yesterday: ''We cannot comprehend how this happened. James was perfectly fit and healthy - there was no warning at all.

''He had just travelled north for a weekend break doing what he dearly loved - walking in the open air and beautiful scenery.

''We have been told they had been out for an hour-and-a-half when he said he was starting to feel ill.

''He collapsed and died, but we will not know why until the autopsy tomorrow. We are completely devastated.''

Mr MacKillop had been married for 17 years. The couple have a six-year-old daughter.

Mr MacKillop worked as a finance manager at the Royal Bank of Scotland in Glasgow, but was a regular walker.

He had been staying in the Clunie area before setting off on the walk early on Saturday.

The rescue helicopter was scrambled from Lossiemouth and uplifted Mr MacKillop. He was found to be dead on the helicopter's arrival at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness.

A police spokesman said: ''As in all cases of sudden death, a report will be submitted to the procurator-fiscal.''