It is not just the big ships that bring increased business. Today the Campbeltown to Ballycastle ferry service begins its first full summer season.

The Scotland-Northern Ireland link was launched in July last year by Sea Containers Ferries, using the more picturesque name of the Argyll and Antrim Steam Packet Company, with the plan of extending the seasonal service to April-October over succeeding years.

Sea Containers, which also operates the 90-minute SeaCat service between Stranraer and Belfast, acquired the mv Claymore from Caledonian MacBrayne and the vessel completes the new route in a decidedly more leisurely two-and-three-quarter hours.

It has developed Rover tickets which, for prices starting at #269, will allow a car and four adults to use any combination of up to four single journeys on its services in the north or south Irish Sea, taking in the Republic and England.

Sea Containers, which relaunched the Scotland-London east coast rail service in GNER livery, has been looking at ways of introducing better deals for any passengers from its ports who also use ScotRail, and of negotiating for other Rover-style ticket links with Caledonian MacBrayne which would then open up the Scottish island routes.