THE newest installation at Glasgow's controversial Gallery of Modern Art was unveiled yesterday, writes Keith Bruce.

Peter Howson won the public vote for the Britannia Lord Provost's prize, one of the richest in the country. His work was entitled Drum II, but it might as well have been called Still Life Without Artist since Mr Howson, alone among the six nominated artists, was not there to pick up the #12,000 cheque.

The award was accepted on his behalf by the selector who nominated him, lawyer Ross Harper. He said the winner was ''in London with brush in hand, because he has an exhibition opening next week''.

Nearly 6,000 people took part in the poll, many voting by post after seeing all six entries in The Herald.

Howson won narrowly with 1427 votes, followed by Gordon Mitchell's Not mad, just a wee bit daft (1338), and Dawson Murray's Through To The Light (1331).