Rucanor Jets are leaving nothing to chance as they prepare for the Scottish Women's Cup final against Su Ragazzi at Meadowbank a week tomorrow.

The Edinburgh side have hired the hall where the final will be staged for a training session this weekend.

With three players in their squad who have never played in a cup final before, it will help ensure they do not freeze on the day.

The league title having already been wrapped up, Jets are after their first double and have plotted their build-up carefully.

Jets also had a bounce game with Napier University in midweek - on the back of an intensive two-hour training session.

''The players have been working a lot on their fitness and have been running up Arthur's Seat to ensure they are in peak condition for the final,'' said assistant coach John Gaughan.

''We've been back in the gym for some ball work and then we'll have a low-key approach in the final week. We have a lot of experience in the squad but we also have players who have not played in a final before.''

One player to watch out for is 19-year-old Czech Rita Mateju who is in her first season at the club but has impressed with her blocking.

An au pair in Edinburgh, Mateju played semi-professionally in her native country and has played a big part in helping Jets to the title.

Su Ragazzi, however, have an added incentive to win the cup and will also be in prime conditition.

The trophy is the only one that the Glasgow club have not won since it was founded 13 years ago.

A team from the club has won every division of the Scottish League and the men's Scottish Cup. The men's and women's Scottish Plates have also spent time in the Su Ragazzi trophy cabinet.