David Steele

TWO MPs yesterday spent over an hour visiting jailed Scots Guards Jim Fisher and Mark Wright who are serving life sentences for the murder of a Belfast teenager, writes David Steele.

Mr George Foulkes, MP for Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley and his colleague from Angus, Mr Andrew Welsh were visiting the men to give their assurance that everything possible is being done to secure their early release.

Since the two were jailed in 1992 for shooting Peter McGuire, who they believed was wielding a coffee jar bomb, there has been a continuous campaign, by their families, politicians and top military figures, to have them released.

Now the two MPs have given their support, although they also took time to visit the parents of Peter McGuire in their Belfast home.

Mr Foulkes said: ''It is important that we have all the information available to us before communicating with the Northern Ireland Office to seek the earliest possible release date.''

He added: ''To the facts that they have served over six years for a shooting which appeared to have no murderous intent and that they have been model prisoners, must now be added the situation where the prospect of peace is leading to the release and transfer of other prisoners.

''I feel the time has come for these men to be released from prison.''