SCOTLAND lie in second place four points behind England going into today's concluding day of the Israeli International Youth Tournament in Ra'anana after both sides scored 8-0 whitewash wins yesterday.

England were first in action in the morning session and put the pressure on the Scots when they whitewashed Wales, but Scotland responded in superb fashion in their match with South Africa.

Indoor international Billy Mellors from Pilrig laid the victory foundations when he needed a total of just 16 ends to complete a 25-7 win over Paul Dixon.

Steven Glen, Darren Burnett and Scott Dodds then added the triples points when they beat Eric Van Der Westhuizen, George Lotter and Nick Rusling 26-19 and a last end single completed the whitewash and gave Andrew Lauder and Graeme Campbell the pairs points with a 19-18 win over Stephen Jankelowitz and Reggie Gerber. Results:

Scotland 8, South Africa 0 - (singles B Mellors 25, P Dixon 7; pairs - A Lauder and G Campbell 19, S Jankelowitz and R Gerber 18; triples - S Glen, D Burnett, S Dodds 26, E Van Der Westhuizen, G Lotter, N Rusling 19).

England 8, Wales 0; South Africa 6, Israel 2; Israel 6, Wales 2.