Two teenagers yesterday admitted kicking Balerno apprentice Mark Ayton, 19, to death.

Policeman's son Iain Wheldon, and rugby player Graham Purves, both 17, dramatically confessed to the killing during the sixth day of their trial.

The youths had originally been charged with murdering Mr Ayton, of Cherry Tree Loan, Balerno, in a garden in the quiet Edinburgh commuter town last November 23.

It was alleged that they repeatedly punched and kicked him on the head and body, jumped on and repeatedly stamped on his head.

When they sat in the dock yesterday afternoon following a half-day adjournment, Wheldon and Purves admitted the lesser charge of culpable homicide subject to the deletion of the allegation that they had jumped on Mr Ayton's head.

Another youth, Paul Learmont, 17, of West Croft, Ratho, Edinburgh, walked free last Friday when charges were withdrawn against him.

Still on trial at the High Court in Glasgow for the alleged murder is 16-year-old Ross Gravestocks, of Ravelrig Park, Balerno. Wheldon and Purves will be sentenced at the conclusion of his trial, which continues today.