JOHN Reid is predictably alarmist in his threats of job losses in the Ministry of Defence in Scotland after independence.

In its defence policy the SNP budgeted for a predicted 9850 MoD civilians, with the proviso that in the transition period MoD personnel in Scotland would have the option of retaining their existing jobs or being retrained and/or redeployed in the Scottish Civil Service - ie, there would be no job losses.

HMNB Clyde has already developed its skill base from exclusively nuclear work to the support of minesweepers and patrol craft previously based at Rosyth. As Faslane will be the main fleet base for the SDF navy, this work will increase.

Perpetuating the myth of separate defence industries is nonsense: European defence industries are co-operating to compete with US firms. Almost all tenders for MoD work include foreign inputs. So long as Scottish defence firms are producing high-quality competitive products, they will sell to military customers. Pilkington at Govan and GEC/Marconi in Edinburgh are world leaders in their respective fields.

One wonders how many defence job cuts there will be as a result of Labour's current Strategic Defence Review.

Colin Campbell,

SNP Defence Spokesperson,

Braeside, Shuttle Street, Kilbarchan.

May 5.