Scotland's capture of an unprecedented three titles in the Austrian Open has led to yet another boost for the world standings of the leading Scottish players and more than justified the decision not to support the last of the Grand Slam series in England.

Alastair Gatt (Edinburgh) and Craig Robertson (Fauldhouse) are the so far unsung heroes of Scottish badminton but that may be about to change for they have risen another two places to 27 in the world, easily their highest ever position, following their Austrian title success.

They are still five places behind their fellow Scots Ken Middlemiss (Edinburgh) and Russell Hogg (Dunfermline) who have risen one place to 22, their highest ever place despite not playing last weekend.

Moreover, Gatt, who is originally from Aberdeen, and Robertson, who spent the earlier part of the season playing league badminton in Denmark, only came together midway through the season and so great has been their improvement that they beat the Austrian pair who had eliminated Middlemiss and Hogg in the European Championships in Norway last month.

Middlemiss and his wife Elinor also won the mixed at the Austrian tournament, helping them rise two places to an all-time world best of 16, and Elinor and Sandra Watt took the women's title to hoist themselves two places to 15 in the world.

With Sandra Watt (Innerleithen) reaching the semi-finals of the women's singles to boost her rating in the lower half of the top 100, there was much satisfaction to be gained from the trip to St Polten.

Although neither Anne Gibson (Slough) nor Bruce Flockhart (Dunfermline) made the trip, both retained their world positions of 23 and 37 respectively.