Aberdeen-based H&R Insurance Services have elected not to continue with their sponsorship of The British Alpine Ski Team after six years of support worth around #400,000. This leaves the British Ski Federation with the tough prospect of finding funding to maintain the same level of support for next season.

The company's managing director Hugh Robertson said he has become increasingly disillusioned with the attitude of some athletes and the management of the teams.

''While I appreciate the problems with a lack of funding mean that the management is spread too thinly over too many areas and it could be much more efficient - it is not treated like a proper business. Coaches appear not to have any authority and there are athletes who show a lack of professional discipline. At least twice this year we have had athletes not turning up for arranged TV interviews. Any sponsor needs a return.''

His daughter Shona is also reported to be retiring from the Alpine team, disillusioned after she was not selected for the last Olympic Winter Games.

Robertson added: ''There is not enough money in ski-ing to support separate home nations set-ups for England, Scotland and Wales as well as the British. The absolute failure of the home nations governing body to agree a UK structure leads us to the conclusion that further investment would not be productive.''

Mike Jardine, the British Ski Federation's chief executive, said: ''It's tough to lose a sponsor like Hugh, but we have known this was coming. We have been taking his criticisms on board and over the past week have been involved with a series of productive meetings.''