HOW does he do it? That is the question on the lips of anyone who walks into this first major showing of sculptor Anish Kapoor's work. He has the ability to breathe life into objects which draw you to them quite hypnotically. The first piece is My Body Your Body - a coal-blue rectangle recessed into the wall. From the front the colour takes you into a fathomless deep. But, if you look carefully, you realise the piece is only a few inches hollow. The whole point is he is trying to communicate the idea of the sublime.

Suck is a large steel sphere on the floor. Peer into it and you experience the sensation of being drawn into a whirlpool. A funny one - When I Am Pregnant - is merely a large bulge in the wall, while another, two double mirrors in steel and polished granite, look as though they have come from a fairground. The cleverest creations are right at the end. Ghost is made of black limestone into which is carved an interior surface. The light pierces through in such a way an ethereal form appears. At the Edge of the World is a large hat which takes up an entire room. It resembles a red sky which envelopes you in its protective arms. All of his work is sensory and tactile. The one regret is you cannot touch them.