THE Bangladeshi Government expects to announce the long-awaited results of its major oil and gas licensing round within days, a senior government official said in Edinburgh yesterday.

Farooq Sobhan, former

foreign secretary and now chairman of the board of investment, said: ''In a sense we have been overwhelmed by this enormous degree of interest and attention. The government wants to be sure that it gets it right.''

He added that the government had ''tried to distribute the favours evenly''.

Sobhan was speaking on a visit to the headquarters of Cairn Energy, the company which has seen its share price slide since late last year as investors impatiently awaited news of the licensing round in which Cairn with its partner Shell is expected to win two of the 12 blocks.

The results of the bidding, in which 20 international oil companies are jostling in

partnerships as well as rivalry, were first expected last
