AN MP is to ask the Lord Advocate, Lord Hardie, to review a Highland sheriff's conduct of a case involving a Skye bridge campaigner, writes David Ross, Highland Correspondent.

This follows the report in The Herald yesterday that Sheriff James Fraser had tried to prevent press reporting his invitation to the procurator-fiscal at Dingwall a week ago to prosecute a leading campaigner for perjury. The Herald's lawyers, however, advised that Sheriff Fraser had no legal power to gag the press in this way.

Sheriff Fraser's move came after the convener of Skye and Kyle Against Tolls (Skat), councillor Drew Millar, had been fined a total of #250 for two charges of obstruction on the bridge.

Ross, Skye and Inverness West MP Charles Kennedy said yesterday: ''Following reports and concerns expressed I will be writing to the Lord Advocate asking him to review the situation.''

Mr George More, the Edinburgh-based solicitor whose firm represents Mr Millar, said yesterday he was appealing against Mr Millar's conviction by way of Stated Case, which basically meant Sheriff Fraser had got it wrong in convicting him.

He was also considering lodging an appeal by Bill of Suspension.

Such appeals were normally on the grounds that Sheriff Fraser's conduct during the trial had been unreasonable or oppressive thereby prejudicing the defence.