A man who sexually abused his best friend's young son escaped a jail sentence yesterday.

Instead paedophile James Murphy was placed on probation for three years because he was only charged on a summary complaint.

Murphy, 59, of Selkirk Road, Port Glasgow, admitted committing a sex act on the six-year-old boy last December.

Murphy was assaulted in his home by a vigilante mob days after pleading guilty at Greenock Sheriff Court in March. He spent two weeks in hospital recovering from serious head injuries.

Depute fiscal David Teale told the court : ''The offence came to light in December when the boy said to his father: 'I know I should have told you before, but I'm going to tell you now.' It obviously caused him considerable embarrassment.''

Murphy's agent Tom Ward described how his client and his son had both been attacked by a mob who broke into their Port Glasgow home. He said: ''He has obviously suffered grievously as a result of the incident. However, he does not minimise his involvement and accepts responsibility for what he has done.''

Before passing sentence Sheriff John Herald criticised vigilante groups. He said: ''This court will not condone the activities of mobs who take the law into their own hands.''

Sheriff Herald told Murphy that because he was convicted on a summary complaint, his sentencing powers were restricted to three months in jail.

He added: ''Rather than a short, sharp sentence I think it is better for all concerned that you are looked after for a considerable period of time.'' The sheriff ordered Murphy to be added to the Register of Sexual Offenders.