David, 22, from Edinburgh, sent in this most unusual dream that has recurred three times. David, a computer operator, says that he is experiencing difficulty over his recent break-up with his girlfriend. He is also nervous about the possibility of being relocated across the border in his job, and is conscious that, when it comes to managing his finances, he lacks self-discipline

David's dream

I dreamed I went back in time to 1984. All I had to do was walk towards my bank and, hey presto, I ended up in the past. Absolutely astounded, I went through a door and saw myself talking to my parents - my other self was eight-years-old.

I also saw my brother, when he was younger, in a nightclub. Then I went to a bookmakers and placed a bet on Rangers to beat Celtic 2-0 in the cup final, which was taking place the following day. Somehow, I knew the score and was guaranteed to win!

In another version of the dream, I went back to my school, in 1979. I recall seeing some of my teachers, who were starting their first day of a new term.

Then I came forward to the present time to get a camera, so that I could go back and take pictures of my old school and classmates. With the intention of returning to the present time, so that I could show my friends photographs of these old scenes, I travelled back to 1979 and took some snapshots.

At that point, I woke up. However, I slipped back into a similar dream, and found myself travelling back to 1979 again. I entered a classroom full of faces, which I didn't recognise. Then I noticed a sea of children running back and forth along the school corridors. Then I woke up again.

The interpretation

First, we must consider the reasons why your subconscious elected to take you back in time. Immediately, it strikes me that you were shown an image of yourself as a child - but why? The first clue comes when we look deeper into the method of your time travel - you simply walked towards your bank. This ties in with your concern over finances; when you were a child, you didn't have the problems of knowing where the next penny was coming from.

The next clue is irrefutable and directs the interpretation quite naturally - you saw your brother at a nightclub. In this instance, your brother is a representation of yourself. It is likely that he has a character trait to which your subconscious wants to draw your attention. (Generally, youth and nightclubs equal a hole in one's pocket.) So far, then, we have three elements to study: the bank, childhood and your waking concern about money.

However, the next part of your dream seals the analysis and leaves little doubt - you entered a bookmakers and placed a bet. Somehow, you knew you were guaranteed to win; don't most gamblers believe that?

Even more convincing is the content of the subsequent dreams, as if underpinning the entire interpretation. You saw old teachers and wanted to bring back proof by returning to the present bearing photographs of how things used to be. The teachers symbolise a lesson that needs to be learned.

The lesson is simple: in order for you to manage your financial affairs more prudently, you must go back and retrieve the more innocent outlook of your childhood, get rid of the attitude towards money that developed in your youth, and learn to be more thrifty.

l If you would like David Melbourne to analyse one of your dreams for this page send an SAE to The Herald Magazine (Dreams), 195 Albion Street, Glasgow G1 1QP. David is unable to respond to private requests