Campaigners are urging the Government to make kidney donation after death compul-sory by law after a poll revealed fewer than a third of Britons carry organ donor cards.

According to a Gallup survey published today, almost three quarters (71%) of people are willing to let their kidneys be used in life-saving operations after their death.

Yet only 11% have registered on the National Organ Donor scheme and 67% of people do not carry the cards that have been available for more than 27 years.

British Kidney Patient Association president Elizabeth Ward urged the Government to take action and make kidney donation compulsory to help the hundreds of people with life-threatening conditions.

She said: ''Much consideration has been shown to relatives of the dead over the years. I think now that consideration should be given to the relatives of those who are still clinging tenuously to life.''

The findings of the poll of 1056 people and the charity's views will be sent to Health Minister Baroness Jay.